Download the visual interactive program QKrates6.EXE for the evaluation of Q-K chemistry rates rates.

Download the data file QKDATA6.TXT that should also be archived as QKDATA6.RealAir

Download the RealStudio source code QKrates6.rbp that produces the executable

QKrates program:  The Quantum-Kinetic model is a DSMC chemistry model with such simple procedures that the corresponding rate equations may be written down.  The QKrates program facilitates the comparison of these theoretical rates with the Arrhenius rate equations that are based on experiment.
QKrates resources (See Notes on Version 6):
The Qkrates6.EXE,and QKDATA6.TXT should be placed in a new directory.  The executable should be run, QKDATA6.TXT should be “READ”, the  “SELECT A PRE-DEFINED REACTION” button pressed and the first preset case selected.  The “CALCULATE OR RECALCULATE” button then  leads to the following screen. (Or the corresponding screen from a later version.)

Download the data file QKDATA6.H2O2 for hydrogen/oxygen combustion reactions